Call Center English Speaking Training Pdf

2020. 2. 29. 12:37카테고리 없음

Mastering communication skills meansdealing and coping with a variety of tasks, customers, and scenarios. This isespecially true for those employed by call centers. Customers rely on prompt,efficient, and courteous telephone service. Even if you work alone in ahome-based office as a call center agent, keep in mind that you are part of ateam. Your job requires you to deal with a variety of complaints, and engage inproblem solving techniques that prompt positive and acceptable solutions to customercomplaints.In addition, mastering communicationskills means understanding different styles of communication, engaging activelistening skills, and mastering quality delivery services over the phone.Stylesof Communicat i o nYou may think there's only one styleof communication - after all, one person talks and another person listens.However, it's not quite that simple. When it comes to customer service and callcenter training, it's important to understand there are different communicationtypes.

An aggressive communicator is not pleasantto deal with. Communication with such an individual is likely to be combativeand 'black and white.' Thistype of person will have a specific complaint, or initiate an either/orattitude when it comes to resolving such an issue.

Aggressive communicatorsoften dominate communication efforts, ignore the other speaker and theircomments or suggestions, or interrupt const antly.A passive communicator is the opposite ofan aggressive communicator. This type of communicator tends to go along with, oragree with, everything another person says. In many cases, an extremely passivecommunicator is unable to form an opinion on their own. Passive communicatorsdo their best to avoid disagreeing with pressing or serious issues brought upby someone else. A passive communicator typically allows the other person tocontrol conversation, issues, and choices. Such an individual isn'tideally suited to be either a customer service representative or call centeragent, because such individuals cannot be firm enough in providing solutions,compromises, or even negotiations with the cus tom er.Another type of communicator isclassified as assertiv e. An assertive communicator is somewhere in the middlebetween passive and aggressive.

An assertive communicator has the ability tolisten to someone else's problem or issue and offer solutions or negotiationsto form a compromise or resolution to the problem. However, even though they'repolite and courteous, they won't allow themselves to be walked all over. Theyrespect others and themselves, their abilities, and their capabilities. Themost ideal ty pe of communicator in a call center or telephone service positionis the assertive commun icator.Are You Listening?One of the main jobs of a customerservice representative, and most especially a call center agent, is to listento what a customer is saying.

It's not enough to hear what a customer issaying, but to listen to their words, their meaning, and their tone ofvoice.Customer-focused listening skillsare essential for customer service representatives who do well in the business,as well as for the company they work for. It's important to train customerservice representatives and call center agents who work the telephones to realizethat a customer has a variety of needs when it comes to services. They may notonly need physical support, but mental or emotional support, as well. A customerwants to feel as if they're important to the company you represent.Any individual working in ahospitality or customer service-based field or industry should learn that thereare three recognized 'levels' of listening, and many of us are not even awareof it.


So, what kind of listener are you? Do you listen to people differentlyif you've had a bad day at home, you're worried about taking your dog to thevet after work, or your boss is being a jerk?Listening levels and skills ratebetween effective and least effective. The term active listening is definedas listeningwith everything you have, and not just to the sounds coming from theother end of the phone.

Active listening means that you have to put your ownattitude, worries, a nd concerns away and focus solely on listening to what theother person is s ayi ng. Let's discuss the three levels oflistening before moving on to the benefits that active listening can offer you,your job, and your business.Level 3 listening is the least effectiveform of listening. This level personifies someone who has literally zoned out,or daydreams while someone else is talking.

They pretend to pay attention, andform standard noncommittal replies or body gestures, but they're not reallylistening to what someone else is saying. They're more interested in what theyhave to say.

This poor level of listening skill can have a very detrimentaleffect on customer service, decision-making, and resolutions wit h custom er s.Level 2 listening involves a person who ispaying attention to what somebody else is saying, but doesn't necessarilyunderstand what they're trying to say. Such a listener will understand theactual spoken words, but neglects the importance of tone of voice. Ifface-to-face, this type of listener neglects to watch body language, facialexpressions, and so forth. Such a listener often misinterprets or misunderstandswhat a caller needs or wants, and ends up performing incorrect actions, oroffering solutions that don't solve the problem.The most effective listening levelis rated Level1 listening. This level defines someone who actively pays attentionand focuses solely on a speaker. This type of listener puts everythingtogether: tone, vocabulary, listening, and body language.

This type of listenerutilizes information to form a judgment or a soluti on, without being influencedby their own attitudes or distractions.The best listener is someone whotakes the time to hear a message, ask relevant questions, and then evaluateswhat has been said. This approach promotes positive solutions, understanding,and respect for the speaker. As a call center agent, it'simportant to master a variety of communications skills. These skills not onlyinclude understanding communication styles, but also listening styles.

Inaddition, it's important for you to master optimal quality and delivery ofservices over a telephone line. You can do this by:.

Asking appropriate questions - By askingquestions, you'll gain the information that you need to offer a solutio n. Coming up with an answer - Beforeanswering questions, make sure you know the answer.

Make sure you understand the questionbeing asked. Again, if you don' t know the answer, tell the caller that youdon't know, but will find someone who do es. Choose adequate vocabulary to communicate - Callcenter agents and customer service representatives are encouraged to avoiduse of negative language. Negative language and words include words suchas impossible, can't, not, and no.

Positive words include can, able, a ndyes.Whether the customer can see you ornot, always strive to offer the best in quality delivery services over thephone. Courtesy counts. You'll find, even when dealing with difficult or iratecustomers, that the calmer and more soothing your voice, the faster theindividual will calm down. Literally, take the wind out of their sails bymaintaining your patience. Don't let them ruffle your feathers - rather, doyour best to let them know that you're hearing, listening, and understandingtheir complaint.Conclusion.

How, exactly, do you provide excellence in phone service? By following communication basics, utilizing an assertive communication style, and through active listening, you have the ability to provide excellent, quality services for customers. Your attitude makes a big difference in how you respond to a customer. In this article, we'll explore differences in attitude, and how such concepts can help you answer questions quickly, effectively, and correctly.Attitude Makes a Differen c eWe've already briefly touched on how you answer a telephone. We suggested using welcoming words and treating each call as if it's the most important call you've received all day.

Your ability to maintain a personable, friendly, enthusiastic - yet knowledgeable - tone goes a long way toward providing excellent phone service to customers.Your attitude and ability to listen and offer solutions is the foundation of your job. Remember that it pays to be flexible, while still maintaining the policies and regulations of the company for whom you work. An important thing to remember it that a customer calls for solutions, not to be told what you can't do, or you're not allowed to do. While staying inside your company's guidelines, it's important to look for any kind of solution that will help the customer. Bottom line: It's your job to attempt to resolve all issues with that first call contact.Your tone and attitude definitely make a difference to the person on the other end of the phone. By avoiding negative and controlling words, such as, 'You should have,' or, 'I'm sorry, but,' or even, 'You have to,' you will more than likely avoid a negative reaction from the caller.

Patronizing phrases, outright refusal ('I'm not allowed to offer.) to do something about an issue, and inflexibility are likely to cause callers to grow even more dissatisfied with a product or service.It's important for you, as a call center agent, to always be courteous, regardless of the attitude or behavior of the person at the other end of the line. While maintaining company policy, it's also important to let the listener know that you understand their concerns or problem. Each and every caller deserves courtesy and respect.If you're having a bad day, or you have received nothing but complaints from customers all day, it's still important to keep your cool. Your frustration, annoyance, or irritability can be perceived through your tone of voice and attitude when dealing with the customer.Pretend you're nearing the end of a long, eight-hour shift. You've received several difficult calls in the past few hours, with irritable and unreasonable callers. You're watching the clock, waiting for your shift to end, when you receive one last call, four minutes before quitting time. You can tell by the sound of her voice that the caller is an older woman.

'Just great,' you think.You respond to her with a sharp tone of voice, your weariness, annoyance, and frustration from the day oozing in your voice.The woman explains her problem. She's having a technical issue with a piece of equipment she purchased, but you don't understand what she's trying to explain. Again, your tone conveys a sense of impatience as you ask her to repeat the issue. The woman at the other end of the line senses your attitude and grows even more frustrated, and then demands to speak to your manager or supervisor.Ask yourself this: Does this older woman know what kind of day you had? Is it her fault that you're tired and irritable?

The answer to both questions is no. It's your job to maintain a professional, calm, and courteous demeanor and attitude for each and every call, whether it's your first call at eight o'clock in the morning or your last call at two o'clock in the morning.Your attitude can - and does - make a difference with each and every customer to whom you speak. Learning how to listen and effectively answer questions is another main responsibility of call center agents. In order to answer customer questions, you have to understand the problem. The expectations of the customer shou ld always be understood before you attempt a solution or answer a question.Of course, adequate training for call center agents is essential, but it's your responsibility is to know everything you can about the business, product, or service you represent.

Make an effort to research, and even use, such products and services. Many business owners do take the time and trouble to provide meetings and in-services so that call center agents are completely familiar with every aspect of their business.In addition, it's very important for business owners and managers to empower call center agents to make decisions that fall within corporate guidelines, but that aren't written in stone. In many business environments, it's important for employees, customer service representatives, and call center agents to avoid ever having to tell a customer 'no.' After all, if the customer walks away dissatisfied, the company loses future business.It's often difficult to encourage managers and bosses to empower call center agents with the authority to make decisions, and even to 'bend the rules' once in a while, based on situation or scenario.In order to answer questions by customers, it's important to know exactly what you can deliver in regard to actions or solutions for customers. You need to know what you can or can't provide the customer, which means you also need to understand your company's mission, vision, and guidelines.Make sure you understand both formal and informal rules.

In many business environments, 'formal' rules are those that absolutely cannot be broken. Such rules often revolve around safety issues and company standards. Informal rules are put in place to offer general guidelines to employees, customer service representatives and call service agents, but this area it does allow for a bit of bending now and then. Understand which rules you can 'bend' (with permission from management) to serve your customers.Remember that before you answer any question; make sure you understand what the customer is asking you. If you don't know the answer, say s o.

ConclusionYour ability to respond to customers, regardless of their issues, is the mark of an excellent call center agent. Your attention to detail, your sense of reliability, and your ability to respond are basic characteristics that allow you to get your job done, and done well. Make sure you understand your company's standards and policies so that you know exactly what you're expected to do with a variety of customer issues. Learn the boundaries of what you can, and absolutely cannot, offer them in an attempt to appease ruffled feathers, dissatisfaction regarding a product or service, or other types of complaints.

In the Philippines, if you are looking for a job that can both have high compensation and be rewarding, then the call center industry is the right path to take. Since in the Philippines, English is just a secondary language, not all of Filipinos have the ability to speak the English language. In call centers they are looking for individuals that have 'good' English communication skills, can do multi-tasking (doing two or more tasks at the same time), and are of good moral character. Filipinos are naturally hospitable and very welcoming, so I think the good moral character is innate in each and every one of us.

Then multi-tasking can be taught when you already know what you need to do, and with practice, you can perfect this skill. The trait most important to call center agent aspirants is their English communication skills. There are a lot of things to consider and learn if you want to be a call center agent.The things that will be mentioned below on how to teach call center agent aspirants are based on the actual curriculum that is being used for call center training academies in the Philippines. The curriculum that we will follow is structured and proven to help people acquire and keep call center jobs around the Philippines. I would like to know how to learn more vocabulary in order to work in a call center?It's just I don't have enough vocabulary, therefore I feel uncomfortable when I have to communicate with others.To improve your vocabulary, you can join a conversation club, which usually consists of native English speakers. You can also find many people online who are willing to talk with you in English or have practice conversations with you to help you expand your vocabulary.

Another great thing you can do is find top English publications, like Forbes, or something similar, and then read those out loud to yourself. If you have trouble with words or definitions, you can then look them up online, and practice using those words in daily conversations.

Are personality, English communication skills factors to a successful call center skill?Does personality affect the call center environmentPersonality is the second most important item after your command of the English language. For example, a person might be distraught over a mere technical problem that they have caused. In their mind, they do not feel responsible and blame the product manufacturer. In this case, your personality can be the difference between creating a brand advocate (someone who gives word of mouth advertising for the company or product at no charge), or a brand assassin (someone who will go out of their way to talk about how bad the company or product is). Because of this, call center agents must have excellent English skills and a likable personality.

How To Speak With Customer In Call Center

How to have accent like an American?How to have accent like an AmericanVisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.How can I improve my grammar in using Past, Present and Future tense?I can make a paragraph but sometimes I am confused about using some words like when to use ASKED and ASK. Using Past, Future, and Present tense makes me confused also. It is also hard for me to use words that end with -ed, -ing, -es. It is also a problem when using subject-verb agreement.

I'm really looking forward to your lessons. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.How can I improve my knowledge in English?I want to improve my speaking in English to apply to the call centerImproving one's English is an endless process. Speaking English confidently can be expedited with diurnal reading, practicing, thinking, and listening.

Power Words For Call Center

Study in the morning, while you are on the bus, during lunch breaks, after work, and even during a party. Every free hour must be devoted to the language. Get confused talking to the customer?How to attract a customer towards your productVisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in?

Click EDIT to write this answer.Can you give me some guidelines for constructing words easily?Guidelines for call center job. I have tried: To speak English by myself. I think it was caused by: Lack of practice and knowledge about English grammarVisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.Hello, I was looking for job openings for English coaches?I was wondering if you knew of any teaching jobs available in the Philippines as an English coach for call center agentsVisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet.


Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.I can't speak straight in English.

But I am willing to learn?My problem is that I am now applying for a call center company but I am always nervous every time I speak in English. I have tried: I am learning words from the dictionary and I am practicing alone. I think it was caused by: No exposure. This section is not written yet.

Pdf English Speaking Exercises

Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.I can't well construct a sentence nor pronounce the words?Can't pronounce very well, and can't properly construct a sentence. I have tried: Nothing so far. I think it was caused by: Lack of EnglishVisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet.

Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.Could you provide me with simple speech exercises before the training?I am teaching my students how to speak English well using an American accent.VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.How to sell product how to introduce and how to pitch. Our company is about software testing?We are going to be software testing so I want to know how to pitch ideas.

I have tried: Not yet tried. I think it was caused by: Don't know how to doVisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.I want to expand my vocabulary and pronunciation skills?I am a recently hired call center agent, but I am not confident with my English skills, I mean, I can speak the language, but I sometimes have a hard time constructing statements especially on our training role play, please help me.

This section is not written yet. Want to join in? Click EDIT to write this answer.What material can I use to help my students improve their oral skills while dealing with an angry customer?I am just looking for good material to improve oral skills in call centers when the customer gets angry, I mean, how to deal effectively with that situation.VisiHow QnA. This section is not written yet.

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